Are You a Shareaholic? – Research Says That You Probably Are Not Reading Articles That You Share
We are sorry to disappoint you if you are directed to this page to read the reports on the research. Indeed there is an ongoing in-house Geekswipe research on this topic and the reports will be published soon.
This article is actually an experiment to test if people are actually reading the articles online. So if you happen to read this, you would’ve understood the necessity of such social experiment.
Please share this article with a unique identifier, like a combination words, your name or some special character/symbols (Preferably a hashtag: #swipedthis) and make sure you also comment that identifier below, so that we can actually able to sort out the real readers from our analytics data.
This post was first published on February 17, 2014.
Definitely a bad move! But still a different experiment bro.. #swipedthis
ha ha ha.. Funny troll! Still a good experiment… #swipedthis
#swiped this lol
LOL Great! I wonder almost everyone had share this without reading it. #swipedthis