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On Earth, nucleic acids are what codes our genetics. DNA and RNA. For any extra-terrestrial non-carbon based genetic material, if we have to identify the genetic material by existing strategy, your objective will be to identify what subcellular element of the cell that is responsible for transformation. So the likely way to do that is by performing your own version of a transformation experiment based on the chemical nature of the targeted genetic material.
Speciation is what you are looking for. The idea is that both the lock and key in your analogy gets shaped over time through the processes associated with evolution.
If a sperm from a different species (example – lion) fertilizes the egg of another species (example – tiger), it may form an offspring (liger). But there is no guarantee that it could create offsprings if it were to be bred within the liger population. But over time, with evolution and natural adaptation, the species can either attain their fitness or go extinct.
But naturally, speciation occurs when a population of a species gets separated and a genetic drift occurs. For example, if they get separated geographically when they are in isolation, the population could develop traits and variations in their genetic structure over generations. And through natural selection, they diverge into an entirely new species. This is known as allotropic speciation.
This could happen even without isolation too. They are called sympatric speciation and they happen due to various factor causing a genetic drift within a population.
When you take the time into account, the diversity in species would make sense in the evolutionary sense.
It is called spectroscopy. All objects in this universe give out a spectrum of light. On Earth, we have analyzed and categorized all such spectrum for different chemical elements. Astronomers analyze the spectrum of the planet to decide what the planet is made of.
I’m not sure about your question. If you are asking about the position of Earth right now, the answer is both. Earth’s orbit is elliptical. So the earth moves closer to the sun at its orbit’s perihelion (closest point) and away from sun at the aphelion(farthest point). Right now, the earth is approaching towards its aphelion.
Earth is about 147.1 million kilometers from the Sun at perihelion in early January, in contrast to about 152.1 million kilometers at aphelion in early July.
If your question is about the orbital drift, the answer is yes, the earth is getting away from sun, but very slowly. At the sun’s core, the nuclear fusion is constantly converting the mass of the sun into energy. As this happens over a period of time, the sun will lose mass and eventually affect the earth’s orbit by expanding it. A rough estimate is around 1.5 to 2cm per year.
Theoretically, it is possible! There are two caveats though! One, it will be a unidirectional travel. Two, you WILL be spaghettified whatsoever. Possibly a third one… You will end up somewhere else!
Interesting question! This is indeed a highly researched topic in recent years. Don’t know much about Magnetites than you already know, but as far as I know, most of the magnetoreception is attributed to a certain photoreceptors in our eyes called Cryptochrome. The problem with this is the humans don’t have a proper receptor to enable the magnetosensing in them like in the birds. Unless we activate those receptors somehow, we can’t sense magnetic fields naturally. I think you will hardly find any better answer other than this. Wait up for better answers!
If it is about the core, you could take a reasonable stab at the composition with available spectral data. With a little more information like the mass of the planet, it is marginally safe to make assumptions about the planet’s core.
Appreciate your question! Earth’s rotation is slowing down. I hope you get this part. Now think about this. If the earth slows down, where would the angular momentum of the earth go? Of course, to the massive object that is being pulled towards the earth. There it is! The angular momentum gets added to the moon by the acceleration due to the impulse (pull) the moon experiences.
If the earth’s orbit is affected, then the moon’s orbit will be affected too. Moon is actually drifting away at 3.8 cm per year rate. This is however due to the tidal effects on the earth due to moon’s gravity. Such effects causes earth to bulge at its surface (causing tides) on both ends. But as the earth has larger water and it rotates faster than the moon, the bulge recedes a little compared to the crust. The water mass then exerts a pull on the moon and accelerates it. The moon now steals the earth’s energy and angular momentum here and goes to a slightly higher orbit. The moon’s gravity in turn pulls on the bulge and creates a friction to slow down the earth’s rotation. If you further read about the tidal forces between Earth, Moon and Sun and you will understand this better. This will be a good start.
The audio is transmitted as it is! Most broadcasts have digital transmission that syncs the audio.
I’m sure you are wise enough to realize that your question regarding a black hole is a super high level scientific speculation. As far as it is speculated and theorized, a typical Lorentzian wormhole would need exotic matters to sustain the wormhole. The spaghettification and the highly impossible existence of a white hole on the other side makes it unidirectional.
The question should not have raised in you if you have understood the uncertainty principle. Read about ‘orbitals’ and you will find yourself answering your question in an enlightening way.
If your goal is to survive the next earthquake, you will need better pets.
So what makes you an expert in this?
Thank you for sharing the link. I followed the citation tables and read about some researches on this subject. There has been a good amount of observational studies in this area since the 1975 Haicheng earthquake predictions. But in most of the findings, human interventions had made it hard to make a clear distinction between a seismic escape response and a normal predatory instinct. Such clear distinctions are only possible if these behavioral patterns are observed closely in different environments. Not so many are into this though.