Reply To: What is the fastest way to know my IP address from the command line?

Curiosity Technology Computers and Smartphones What is the fastest way to know my IP address from the command line? Reply To: What is the fastest way to know my IP address from the command line?

I also tried to do this with Python. I found out that returns a JSON object for any requests. If you have Python installed in your Windows machine, maybe this will help you display your public IP address in the command line.

import requests
import json

r = requests.get('')
json_data = r.json()

print json_data['ip']

If you want to copy the IP to your clipboard, all you have to do is to use the | clip operator. E.g: python | clip

Pretty simple. :)

Additionally, you can add a batch file to get it done quickly!

@echo off
echo Your Public IP
set /P choice = "Do you want to copy it to your clipboard [type 'y' or terminate using 'CTRL+C'] ? "
if "%choice%" == "y" goto copy_stuff_to_clipboard
python | clip