Category: Science

What Is Hydrogen-alpha?

Hydrogen alpha is a specific wavelength of visible light at 656.281 nm. A hydrogen atom emits a photon at this specific wavelength when its electron jumps from an excited quantum state or electron shell or energy level of n=3 to a lower level of n=2. Explore what H-alpha is, and how it is applied in astronomy.

Hypothetical rendition of intense solar flare activity

How Solar Flares Work?

Explore how Sun powers itself and find out how solar flare works. Also, find out the difference between a solar flare and a Coronal Mass Ejection event.

An artistic representation of a holographic image

How Holograms Work?

Holograms are one of the counter-intuitive concepts in physics to explain. In this edition, we shall explore what holograms are, the process behind capturing those spectacular parallax images and understand the underlying simplicity of holography....

Photograph of an orange inside a freezer.

How Long Can Food Be Stored in the Refrigerator?

We, humans, feed on plants, animals, and fungi. And boy, we like it fresh, don’t we? In this edition, explore why foods spoil, the process of decomposition, the preservation techniques, and find out how long food can stay unspoiled in a refrigerator.