Reply To: What is the fastest way to know my IP address from the command line?

Curiosity Technology Computers and Smartphones What is the fastest way to know my IP address from the command line? Reply To: What is the fastest way to know my IP address from the command line?

I don’t think there is a faster way in Windows (If that’s what you are asking for). You can either install cURL on Windows and do a simple thing like this curl If your machine is Linux, I think it’s pre-installed and you can get your IP right from the terminal.

However, you can write up a vb script in Windows that will show you your public IP as a response from a server. Maybe the following script would help you.

Dim http : Set http = CreateObject( "MSXML2.ServerXmlHttp" )
http.Open "GET", ""
Dim ipbox
ipbox = InputBox("Your Public IP",,http.responseText)

Save it as myip.vbs in your desktop for quick access. You could also run it from CLI using this command – cscript myip.vbs