Everything You Need to Know about the 7 Minute Workout


7 min workout

It’s been almost a year since the advent of the 7 minute workout and there is still a fuzz around the internet concerning the safety and effectiveness of the workout procedure. As usual, the misleading titles and summaries of some popular articles led to a lot of confusion regarding this. We tried to slash off some interred truths about the 7 minute workout.

There are 12 high-intensity exercises and hence they are termed under High Intensity Circuit Training (HICT). They use body weight as your resistance and thus eliminate the need for any special equipment to do the 12 exercises under 7 minutes.

No, it’s not 7 minutes

Yes, of course it is a 7 minute workout. However, consider that as the bare minimum span of the circuit! You have to repeat the exercise at least two or three times to see a positive result (a bigger magnitude). It’s not that the onetime workout isn’t going to pay off. For the beginners, it is advised to follow the one time rule and gradually extend it twice as they progress.

Who are the primary targets?

From what we analyzed and learnt, it is definitely not for elders or any high performing and intense training athletes. This HICT is more focused towards the sedentary people, and for the people who live on the edge with no time to spare. While the exercises are pretty intense, elders would have trouble handling them, but it is good if they get hold of the needs and they try it. It is just not advisable if they have any history of injuries as it might intensify in this fast-paced workout. Rather if they could spend all the time they need, they could take it slowly.

Should you choose to do it?

Of course, you shall! If you are the one who got no time for a better workout, this is a right thing to do and make sure you embrace the pain involved. Couch potatoes can also get hold to it and workout to reduce the risks of obesity.

Scientific Studies

Mostly, this workout is a theory based claim and except a few notable claims, there is no solid research proof that the 7 minute workout will lead your way into the perfect workout. However, a little physical action is always a contribution in burning your calories. ‘A little science’ is a valid statement, as we lack any physical studies or research.

To wrap up things, I’d like to give you a little motivation with an inconvenient truth. To pick first, the bad news is that the pain and discomfort is guaranteed. To encourage you to cuddle with that, keep in mind that what you do, is for your own betterment, and always a little workout is better than ‘no workout’.

This post was first published on March 22, 2014.


Surendar AG

I'm a mechanical engineer wandering the streets for some hot automobile news. I write about automotive technologies and sometimes write some cool android tips.

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