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Artistic representation of magnetic fields around a magnetic compass.

Can Strong Magnetic Fields Affect Humans?

Humans are made up of blood. And blood has iron in it. So what happens if a human is placed inside a very strong magnetic field? Will it affect the human body in any way? In this edition of Geekswipe, we’re going to look into the types of magnetism that exist in the world, and how a human body would react to different strengths of magnetic fields.

What Is Hydrogen-alpha?

Hydrogen alpha is a specific wavelength of visible light at 656.281 nm. A hydrogen atom emits a photon at this specific wavelength when its electron jumps from an excited quantum state or electron shell or energy level of n=3 to a lower level of n=2. Explore what H-alpha is, and how it is applied in astronomy.

Photo of the 'tracking protection' text from Firefox's private browsing window.

What Type of Information Is Leaked by Your Browser?

Explore the type of personal data that can be leaked or revealed by the modern web browsers with just a single visit to a website. Also find out how individual anonymized data are pieced together, to form a unique fingerprint of the user that can be tracked even across browsers.

Hypothetical rendition of intense solar flare activity

How Solar Flares Work?

Explore how Sun powers itself and find out how solar flare works. Also, find out the difference between a solar flare and a Coronal Mass Ejection event.